Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic

可以提供海运整柜、散货和集运的出口运输服务,通过配套的报关、报检、保险、码头货物处理、拖车、税务、仓储等服务,可以在全球范围内实现门到门或点对点的运输,并可以提供集运或多式联运服务,尽可能减少客户的物流成本。国际海运可以作为海外仓储头程使用,也可提供传统货运服务,成本低廉,时效保障。欧洲海派超大件,就怕你不够“大”可到达:亚马逊仓,海外仓,商业地址,私人地址可到20多个国家,单件400kg,最长6米可收:沙发、床/床垫、浴缸、移动泳池等家居家具用品;跑步机、麻将机、电动代步车、游戏机、按摩椅、成人版硅胶娃娃等健身娱乐器材;电视机、广告机、洗衣机、冰箱等黑白家电;消毒柜、洗碗机、洗水槽等厨卫用具;路灯、灯具、线槽等装饰建材;3C电子和机器设备等大件商品;服饰鞋帽等集货打包大件Our pick-import operations outside Hong Kong by Hong Kong free trade port and import tax package import its high timeliness, high security and competitive price welcome new and old customers, as of January 2011 Division I import business overseas Pickup covering more than 50 countries worldwide countries and regions: Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Canada, India, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Monaco, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka , Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the United States and Australia.Instructions:One can pick from more than one country to our Hong Kong companies (except the sender to the Division I state fees warehouse in Hong Kong Hong Kong 100RMB also need additional customs fees), and then by the Division I to the Mainland-Hong Kong Express import, import fees shall be based on actual declared value of the goods and import fees charged; Hong Kong, if they are delivered to another address, delivery charges will be applied for Hong Kong;2 customers need to entrust our national pickup in Outbox, you must fill in the correct details attorney, power of attorney cover of fax or E-MAIL TO Our salesman, the attached power of attorney3 customers in the power of attorney to the Division I, it will automatically generate a waybill number, this number do this shipment tracking number, shipment number can be tracked in our online query;4. Shipment arrived in Hong Kong, our company will review the weight and volume than the actual weight, whichever is greater for the chargeable weight and volume calculation method: L * W * H / 5000CM;5 Secretary asked me to take transported non-document shipment, please notify the sender must provide a commercial invoice, otherwise it will affect the transport of express limitation, I declare on behalf of the Secretary does not provide services;