
CUSTOMS SERVICEHas been established for 7 years, NBBH committed to building China's leading brand of import customs clearance agent. By the company for many years of accumulation and precipitation, relying on the port line resource of customs clearance, NBBH developed a set of complete import plan in view of four categories of goods ( the old and new machinery and equipment, log sheet, chemical coatings, food and beverage alcohol ). We are insist on providing quality and efficient service on each link of cargo process, greatly improving the efficiency of the imported goods for the customer as well as reducing the cost of imports.一直致力于国际货代,供应链管理,电子商务,进出口贸易,综合物流的开发与实践,致力于国际物流的发展,争取成为客户信赖靠谱的物流服务商。公司作为WCA(世界货物运输联盟),CGLN(中国全球物流网),IATA(国际航空运输协会)等国际物流组织成员,我司物流合作伙伴遍布全球200多个国家和地区,为多样化的客户群体提供专业一流的货运物流解决方案,努力打造货运行业的第一品牌,立志发展成为一家诚信专业靠谱,备受信赖的国际物流服务商。我们是报关行的,主要是做深圳盐田、蛇口、广州黄埔、南沙出口报关。并提供拖车,熏蒸,商检,产地证,散货入仓等相关报关服务。安全申报 当天放行,提供优惠价格的同时提供优质的服务,如有需要请联系进出口贸易代理清关DHL港口清关南沙出口报关